Christ is King Baptist Church is a church that is God honoring, Jesus proclaiming, Holy Spirit led, Word-driven for the glory of God amongst the nations.
Vision Statement:
Christ is King Baptist Church is a place where God is seen "big" because He:
- is perfect in His person. Therefore we want to know Him intimately.
- reveals Himself in His Word. Therefore we will devour the Bible.
- is holy. Therefore we will live lives that are radically different from the status quo.
- changes our lives. Therefore we will obey Him as unprofitable servants do their worthy Master.
- unites His people. Therefore we will risk loving one another.
- is gathering people from all nations to worship Him. Therefore we will be a church planting church.
- transforms our city. Therefore we will pray and live that His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.